Welcome to the Smartfade Forum


The SmartFade forum is for Smartfade owners and potential owners, ETC dealers and ETC employees to discuss the Smartfade. If you have questions or comments about Smartfade, this is the place to ask them.

I'm David Lincecum, ETC's Marketing Manager. I work on product development and marketing at ETC. You can read my Blog here.

I love the SmartFade and I'll be moderating this forum.

Please let us know what you think.


David Lincecum 

[edited by: dlincecum at 8:47 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 08 2006]
Parents Reply Children
  • This isn't a problem only with Vista - I've had the same problem on I believe Windows XP, where it is impossible to scroll over the virtual Smartfade ML in the computer it's attached too.

    I think my screen resolution is about 1200x800 or so (definitely much larger than 800x600).

  • David,


    I have found what I needed.  The answer to my question is Yes, SmartSoft does operate with Windows 7.  I am running at 1600X900 and getting fabulous resolution. 

    The original problem I was having was due to operator error (I'm being kind to me as the operator).  I was trying to find the ML console.  I didn't know that I could call it up simply by clicking on the little console icon at the center top of the screen.  Probably a case of not having read all the instructions in the SmartSoft operators manual.

    Thank you,


    [edited by: jimlenertz at 1:02 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Mar 15 2010]