Smartfade Training videos

Many people do not know about the flash based Smartfade tutorials we have on our website.

You can find them here

 I made these videos to assist people in learning the SmartFade console.  Please watch them. I probably need to update these soon so I would appreciate any feedback.



Parents Reply Children
  • Here is a link to the software I used to make these

    They offer a free trial use for 30 days so you can decide to buy or not. So you can do your videos within 30 days for free!

    The software is so easy to use. You just use the Virtual SmartFade software and record what you do on the screen. I can give you the ones I did and you can narrate over in Norwegian as another option. The software allows you to replace the audio with your own.

    See if you like or can use the software and I will help you as I can.

     Thanks for the post!

