Smartfade Training videos

Many people do not know about the flash based Smartfade tutorials we have on our website.

You can find them here

 I made these videos to assist people in learning the SmartFade console.  Please watch them. I probably need to update these soon so I would appreciate any feedback.



  • David

     Can you tell me if the Smartfade user documentation, tutorials and Virtual Smartfade software are copyright protected ? The CD that comes with the console only has the user manual on it and I would like to create a CD that also has the tutorials and virtual console software on it. I am lighting director for two different amateur theatre organizations and would like to be able to distribute this CD to people that voluteer to help run the console.

     I have only been using the console about 6 months but I love it. And the tutorials are awesome. I was able to load everything onto my laptop at Thanksgiving and spend part of the weekend going thru the tutorials while following along in Virtual Smartfade.



  • You are free to copy and reproduce the videos and the manuals as you like. We have CD-Roms with the training videos in Windows Media and Quicktime formats available at ETC. Contact to get some sent out.
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