MSC on SmartFade


Has anyone successfully used MSC on a SmartFade console?  I've got General Midi turned off, and the MSC ID set and turned on, and I cannot get an MSC GO to fire (with or without a cue number and/or list).  However, even with General Midi turned off, I can still get the next cue to go with a Program change #125.    I am hoping to be able to fire specific cues via MSC (instead of just Next/GO).  Has anyone been able to do this?




  • MSC on SmartFade is designed to operate any cue and it should work in the way you require.  I have tested it between and ETC Expression 3 and various SmartFades. 

    What other device or equipment are you trying to communicate with via MSC? 

  • I've been using a computer using show control software - SAMSC and Isadora (tried both) as well as formatting and sending a raw MSC GO command with MIDI Monitor.  I know the connection works, because I can get program change #125 work (even with General Midi turned off, which strikes me as odd).  Any thoughts?


  • Hi,

    If you have the possiblity to display incoming MSC commands from the SmartFade in your computer, you can see what the SmartFade is sending when you step through the sequence. These are the commands that it should also respond to.


  • Thanks Anders - does the SmartFade output MSC, or strictly General (Music) Midi?

    I can make it respond with Program Change messages, but not MSC.

    I'll check it later today when I am at the theater.





    (PS - I've used the same MSC commands that I'm using now with an Express console for years.  Has the format changed from that?)

    [edited by: newsound at 10:32 AM (GMT -6) on Fri, Sep 4 2009]
  • It will output MSC as well. It should work both ways.

  • So had a chance to dig further.  Recorded the MSC command from the SmartFade, compared it to the output from my Show Control rig and they are the same (i.e F0 7F 0A 02 01 01 34 2E 30 F7).  Sent the message that I recorded back to the SmartFade using Sysex Librarian- no joy.  I then tried every combination of Midi Music  off/on and Midi MSC off/on and it would not work in any combination. 

    However, what seems strange to me is that no matter what combination of on/off I used Program Change #125 would cause the next cue to fire.  (Which also proves to me that the show control rig is talking to the SmartFade)

    Any ideas on what else to try?  I can cue the show stack by sending a Program Change for cue number (-1) and then a PC 125 for GO, but that's a bunch of extra code, so I'd really like to get this working.


    Thanks for your help,


  • What software version are you running in your console?

  • Well, it's a brand new console, and came with a manual for 2.01 so I am assuming that's it's 2.01.  However, I haven't seen where it lists it's version actually in the console.   In th setting tab of the SmartSoft program it lists DLL, but I assume that that is the SmartSoft program, and not the console.  Where on the console itself can I find out?  Or should I just update to the most recent on the website using a SD card (we're mac based here)

    UPDATE: After reinstalling the software (vers, the problem remains.  All of the tests tried above still give the same results.  We can program using Program Changes, and it works for the most part, with one notable exception which I will start a new thread for.    What else can we try?




    [edited by: newsound at 9:22 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Sep 6 2009]
  • I have now looked closer into this.

    Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug in the MSC area of the SF that has slipped through testing. In the official version (2.0.1), reception of MSC doesn't work (as you already observed).

    I am really sorry about all the trouble you had to go through without getting a proper answer from us about this. Both the SmartFade and the SmartFade ML has gone through extensive MIDI testing and was belived to be fully working. Apparently, this wasn't true in this specific case.

    We are working on a fix for this problem but I cannot promise a specific date when it can be released because of testing and release scheduling.


  • Thank you for the reply.  I do hope that this will be something that ETC will address, as the SmartFade is a console that I can see having a potential install base in the semi fixed installation market (museums, etc) where control via already established protocols is a big deal.




  • We will definitely adress these issues. Thanks for your help pinpointing them.


  • Any update on thisd Anders? When do you anticipate this bug being fixed? Thanks!

  • Hi,

    We have an updated version that is going through the internal release process right now. So, it shouldn't be too far away.

  • Hi Anders, I am having a similar issue. My exception is that program change 125 will not work either.

    I am using ( software with all MIDi channels off and all device ids on. I am using MIDI monitor software, and it shows SF sending commands when I hit GO and it shows commands being sent from Qlab when I hit GO. The LED on my USB to MIDI cable blinks when commands are sent. I have run diagnostics on SF to be sure MIDI ports are working. Tech support is at a loss and suggested I contact you. My case # is 300 205 074. I spoke with Betsy originally and Sean/Shawn today.

    I supect I am not sending the correct commands, however, I have tried every combo I can think of in Qlab. Changing command format, commands, device id, Q3, Q list.... one at a time of course. Qlab tech also supects this, but no one can tell me what command I should be sending. His knowledge of ETC products is limited to Expression and Express consoles. PLMK

  • Hi,

    It sounds like you have set MSC Id to "All". The SF will then send MSC commands on the broadcast address, which should be received by all devices. However, it will then only listen to commands that are sent on the broadcast address (=7F) so you have to make sure that this is what Qlab sends on. 

    If you ask Qlab to send the exact same command as it receives it should work. Can you specify a 

    However, I think that you should set a specific MSC Id for your console. Try setting the Id to 1. The SF will send MSC commands on address 1. It will also receive commands on address 1 as well as on the All adress, which is always active. 


  • Hi,

    It sounds like you have set MSC Id to "All". The SF will then send MSC commands on the broadcast address, which should be received by all devices. However, it will then only listen to commands that are sent on the broadcast address (=7F) so you have to make sure that this is what Qlab sends on. 

    If you ask Qlab to send the exact same command as it receives it should work. Can you specify a 

    However, I think that you should set a specific MSC Id for your console. Try setting the Id to 1. The SF will send MSC commands on address 1. It will also receive commands on address 1 as well as on the All adress, which is always active. 

