Personality Library Problem SmartFade ML

SFML  ver      Trying to patch American DJ MegaFlash DMX.  Did NOT see the choice available in Patch Wizard.  Had seen a forum note that MegaFlash had been supported in library release, so I assumed that I needed a new Library update.  Found that I did not have latest Library update loaded.  So, I downloaded Personality Library 5.5.2 from the web site.  Copied PERSLIB.BIN file onto SD card and performed Load Show/Update Library.  Now, however when I go to Patch Wizard, the left and right LCD's show up blank.  Checked and under Software Version, the left display shows Personalities:5.5.2

Thought that maybe the file got corrupted, so I reformatted the SD card and format command responded that the file system was FAT.  Copied the PERSLIB.BIN file on SD card again and performed again Load Show/Update Library and now Patch Wizard still shows blank on both LCD's but if I spin the left wheel, garbage characters show up in the brackets.  It appears that the Personality Library is indeed corrupted.

Any help would be appreciated.

  • It sounds like your download got corrupted somehow.

    You can clear out the 'new' Perslib by booting the console into Test Mode and allowing it to do the Memory Tests as follows:

    • Hold down the [Tick] button while it boots until it says Test Mode.
    • Hit [Tick] to step through the tests.
      • The "Memory Test" is the important one - this clears the memory completely.
    • Say 'No' to firmware upgrade, and the console will eventually reboot.
    • This should have reset the library to the previous 5.1.0 version included with the 2.1.1 firmware.

    Note that this *will* remove your show from the console, so make sure it's saved first.

    Then re-download the ZIP file and you can try again.

    However, the AMDJ MegaFlash DMX is not in the 5.5.2 library.
    - I'll add it to the list of fixture requests for a later library release.

    The full list of fixtures in the library are given in the StdReference.html file included in the ZIP.

    Looking at its manual, the closest match in the existing libraries is the:
    Robe : REDStrobe3.192M2
    - This has a third attribute in the footprint, but it doesn't do anything.

    Alternatively, you could build a User Personality for the fixture until we release an updated library containing your strobe.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:44 PM (GMT -6) on Sat, Oct 24 2009]
  • Thanks.  My heart kinda sunk when the Library essentially disappeared.

    I thought sure that I had looked through some Forum pages and saw a response from someone at ETC and there was a list of added items and I really did see the MegaFlash unit on that list.  That thread must have not, after-all, referred to the SFML.  I knew something was not right after I encountered the problems and I double checked the Reference-html file in the "552" folder and did not find the MegaFlash on the list.

    OK, using a different patch works for me if it does essentially the same thing.

    1.   I do not see the Robe unit in the 5.2.2 "Added.txt" file which lists the units added AFTER 5.1.0.  So, am I correct in assuming that I really don't need to download 5.5.2 if I use the Robe definition - after going through the reset procedure as you have outlined, of course?

    2.  The other thing I am trying to figure out is once I get the strobe device patched, how does it actually work?    I want to use Universe 2, DMX address 1, for the MegaFlash so that I can connect it up on the second DMX cable off of my SFML.   I understand that the address should be assigned when I do the Patch-Wizard .    I see that (on AmerDJ MegaFlash) DMX channel 1 is the flash speed and DMX channel 2 is the flash dimming control.  So, which console fader/bump-button/????   actually controls the MegaFlash?   Am I way off base in assuming that once I select the device that I use fader 1 and 2 to control channels 1 and 2 respectively?  Or can I use the channel bump button(s) to briefly flash the strobe.  I am actually trying to simulate a lightining effect for a show next Saturday night.  Only need a brief burst, like a lighting flash.   So, pressure is on this week to figure this all out.

    Thanks so much for very quick response.  As an Ethernet network tech for a company of 2,000 employees, I have to say I am not accustomed to getting responses back quite this fast. 


  • Yes, the Robe REDstrobe is in the 5.1.0 library.

    When you use the Patch Wizard, you'll be assigning the strobe to one of the 24 Device Select buttons.

    To control it, ensure the [Dev Sel] button is turned on, and set the faders to Params1 mode. Now select your device using the right Device Select button and you'll have the Intensity control on the fader labelled Intensity and the Strobe on the fader labelled Shutter/Strobe.

    You can also control these using the Encoders if preferred.

    [edited by: Richard at 8:25 AM (GMT -6) on Sun, Oct 25 2009]
  • Once again, thanks for timely response.  I am going to try this out today so that I can get it working.

  • Success!   Clearing the memory took me back to the original Library and patched in Robe strobe as suggested - no problem on Universe 2, DMX address 1.   Now I get the comment about the  Intensity fader (fader 1) and the Strobe/Shutter fader (fader 10).  Amer DJ strobe working fine and I am good to go for Tech Rehearsel tomorrow nite.     Again, thanks for getting me out of a jam.

  • Good to hear it!

    I got rather bored sat in an airport lounge, so I've built SFML Library 5.5.5 that adds several fixtures that have been requested recently, including your MegaFlash.

    ZIP file is attached, until Sarah can get it posted to the website.

    Fixtures added between 5.1.0 and 5.5.5:

    • American DJ - Mega Flash
    • Clay Paky - AlphaSptHPE700StdL
    • Clay Paky - AlphaSptHPE700VecL
    • Clay Paky - AlphaWash700 StdL
    • Clay Paky - AlphaWash700 VecL
    • Clay Paky - AlphaWashTH 16bV
    • Clay Paky - AlphaWashTH Ext
    • Clay Paky - AlphaWashTH Std
    • High End Systems - XSpotCM/RG/IR Red
    • High End Systems - XSpotCM/RG/IR Std
    • Robe - ColorSpot1200EATM2
    • VariLite - VLX Wash M1

  • Good to hear it!

    I got rather bored sat in an airport lounge, so I've built SFML Library 5.5.5 that adds several fixtures that have been requested recently, including your MegaFlash.

    ZIP file is attached, until Sarah can get it posted to the website.

    Fixtures added between 5.1.0 and 5.5.5:

    • American DJ - Mega Flash
    • Clay Paky - AlphaSptHPE700StdL
    • Clay Paky - AlphaSptHPE700VecL
    • Clay Paky - AlphaWash700 StdL
    • Clay Paky - AlphaWash700 VecL
    • Clay Paky - AlphaWashTH 16bV
    • Clay Paky - AlphaWashTH Ext
    • Clay Paky - AlphaWashTH Std
    • High End Systems - XSpotCM/RG/IR Red
    • High End Systems - XSpotCM/RG/IR Std
    • Robe - ColorSpot1200EATM2
    • VariLite - VLX Wash M1

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