Device Commands does not work for Robe spots in SmartFade ML

Device Commands (Lamp On / Lamp Off / Reset) does not work for my Robe ColorSpots and ColorWashes.

I used my DMX-tester to check the DMX-values. It seems that the DMX-values are correct on the right controlchannel but probably the command execution time is to short. This means that the time the DMX-value is send is to short. In the DMX-specifications for the Robe ColorSpots and ColorWashes it says "To activate following functions, stop in DMX value for at least 3 seconds". If I use the encoder for User Attribute 5 the function works perfect.

I used SmartFade ML Software Verison 1.1.0


Nico Vellinga

Engeneer Nivell Theatertechniek

The Netherlands


[edited by: nivell at 3:17 PM (GMT -6) on Wed, Jul 18 2007] [edited by: nivell at 3:22 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 17 2007] [edited by: nivell at 3:21 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 17 2007] [edited by: nivell at 3:15 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 17 2007] [edited by: nivell at 2:56 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 17 2007] [edited by: nivell at 2:53 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 17 2007] [edited by: nivell at 2:51 AM (GMT -6) on Tue, Jul 17 2007]
Parents Reply Children
  • You can pass the bug with the following procedure:

    - Set Parameter "User 5" at 52% for at least 3 seconds to strike the lamp (Lamp On)

    - Set Parameter "User 5" at 92% for at least 3 seconds to turn off the lamp (Lamp Off)

    Greetings Nico


    [edited by: nivell at 8:38 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Aug 02 2007]
  • Hi All,

    What worked for me was going to "Device Commands", scrolling to "Lamp on" & re-"Okaying" it a number of times for as many Moving lights you have. It seemed to work. We are using Robe Spot & Wash AT. I did the reverse ie "Lamp-off" 8 times for the 8 lights to dowse & this worked too. It might have been a fluke. I'll see next time we fire up the system.

    I was also very frustrated, (ask Steve & Luke in London) cos all the lights are in a brand new rig at 9 metres, & the ML is the first in functional service in SA, ( I seem to Pioneer new ETC Stuff) so you are never sure if it's the Console or the lights. It's not easy to get to them to re-strike.

    Will keep the feedback coming.

    Hey, anyone visiting PLASA who is involved in conversion to HD TV studios? I need to chat to you about your experiences & any pitfalls you can advise to avoid. Let me know so we can meet.

    Angus Clarke

    Johannesburg RSA

