How to delete a cue


This maybe a very stupid question :S but how do you delete a single cue on the Smartfade ML?

I know how to delete the stack (delete - stack) but i dont know how to delete indervidual cues (in the stack).

I've had a look in the manual but i cant find anything. (probably me being blind!!)

Thanks for your help,


  • It's an edit function as you're editing the stack:

    • [Edit]
    • [Stack]
    • Use the left-hand encoder to choose the step
    • Use the right-hand encoder to choose 'Delete Step'
    • [Tick]
    • and [Tick] again to confirm.
    • [Clear] takes you out of the edit menu.

    In SmartSoft, change to the Stack/Seq Edit tab then you can right-click on a step to delete it.

  • It's an edit function as you're editing the stack:

    • [Edit]
    • [Stack]
    • Use the left-hand encoder to choose the step
    • Use the right-hand encoder to choose 'Delete Step'
    • [Tick]
    • and [Tick] again to confirm.
    • [Clear] takes you out of the edit menu.

    In SmartSoft, change to the Stack/Seq Edit tab then you can right-click on a step to delete it.

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