I don't know if this is the right way to reach ETC people, but...
The MIDI implementation in SmartFade ML is very unfortunate i think. Since there is no jack for connecting neither a simple GO switch, nor a BACK switch, one is forced to use MIDI. And since ETC:s choice of midi program change only, as control of buttons, ther is no way to achieve BACK (you have to HOLD DOWN a button on the console and THEN press GO to go back...) Or am I missing something?
From my point of view it had been better to use a midi message more suitable for BUTTONS or KEY PRESSES. NOTE ON for pressed down and NOTE OFF for releasing, for example.
Even better would have been to be able to choose from a number of alternative midi control numbers, note on/off, sysex or whatever. It is not very hard to implement this.
Maybe my needs are a bit obscure: I need to use a wireless remote for GO, (BACK is impossible as I see it) and managed to work this out through adding a simple RF garage remote to a Behringer B-fader, wich converts a swith jack to program change. But this is extremely bulky.
Any chance of making this happen? Changing the MIDI implementation I mean?
The SmartFade ML is otherwise very nice, I've really put it to test running a christmas show on it. Though there are some other quirks I found, too few steps in the stack beeing one...but I'll post that in another thread.
Best Regards,
Jan Sjöberg