Patching multiple devices to same device number

Hi everybody,

We have recently bought a SFML console and I am playing with it at home at the moment. I'm impressed with the possibilities! I succeeded in creating a user personality for the Teclumen RGB led spots so no problem here. But I was wondering, since most of the time I would like to control several RGB led spots as the same device (no moving lights).  The device wizzard does not support this and I don't want to climb the ladder each time to change the addresses of our spots. Is it possible to map this with the menu?



Parents Reply Children
  • I know there is some workaround by patching all adresses as dimmers but it would have been soooo easy if it was possible to patch multiple addresses to the same device, just like dimmers.....

    Don't get me wrong here, I am impressed by the SFML but  I realy would like to send this in as a feature request.



  • Good news, ETC has put the item on their list for improvements!

    Thanks ETC!

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    I wonder if there may be a misunderstanding somewhere.  I do not think it will be possible, or at least not very easy, to allow multiple devices, on separate DMX addresses, to be patched to one device select buitton.  The design of the internal patch table does not support this type of patch at present and would require a re-write to achieve this function. 

    As far as I am aware ETC is not planning this change any time soon if at all.

    The desired functionality, of many physical devices all under the control of one console device, may be easily achieved by setting them to the same DMX address and this is the solution that would normally be employed.  Because there is already a solution it is hard to justify changing the product to provide a 2nd similar solution.


    Adam Bennette

