Issues with SmartSoft running on Macbook with Snow Leopard

New to the Smartfade family. When trying to to connect my macbook running smartsoft to my Smartfade ML the software simply freezes and will not open. Am I missing a step? it was my understanding that you simply connected the two and started up the software.





  • Hello Brendan,

    I think the most likely reason is that versions do not match.  Check the version numbers:  in SmartSoft on the System tab - the dll version, in the console in settings > Software version.

    If they do not match exactly the two parts will not connect.  You must install SmartSoft and then update the console.  The console update code is located in the folder 'software updates' in the SmartSoft folder on the MAC.  You must copy the file SMRTFDML.SRC to an SD card and load that into the console.  Instructions for the upgrade are in the MAC folder SmartSoft / Manuals.

    Next start the console, connect to the MAC and then start Smartsoft on the MAC.  If that doesn't work please call technical services at ETC, we are always here to help:

    London  0044 20 8896 1000,  Madison Wisconsin 001 608 831 4116.

  • Thank you! Will give it a go tomorrow. 

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