MIDI Control Over Mem Bumps

Is there a way to MSC trigger Memory bumps from another console. Ie Sub bump 1 on Console 1 triggers mem 1 bump on Smartfade ML.

Is this possible?

  • Bump operation is supported via General MIDI, not via MSC.  You can run bumps in parallel between SmartFades (any type to any type) and also record and playback bump presses via a sequencer.  You cannot drive bump or any other buttons via MSC.  If the transmitting device is able to be configured you may patch Note on/off commands as follows:


    Note On / Note Off:

    Memory bumps:

    Note-Off           Transmit

    1000nnnn  0mmmmmmm  0vvvvvvv

    Note On  Transmit:

    1001nnnn  0mmmmmmm  0vvvvvvv

                        vvvvvvv =    normally any non-zero value
                                 =    zero for running status Note-Off

                        mmmmmmm =    Fader number / button number:

                         0-23     =    Mems Bump 1-24

                         24-47    =    Mems Bump 25-48 (used on SmartFade 2496                                                   only)

                         48-127   =    reserved for future

                       nnnn = channel number


    If SOLO mode = ON in the slave console receiving a Memory Bump On command will kill all other sources except other memories that have been, and are still, bumped on.

    All bumps operate as momentary.  When the button is pressed one Note-on command is sent.  When the button is released the Note-off Command is sent.


    Note-Off messages may be sent for running status as Note-On with velocity of zero.

