Using the SmartFade as a DMX/USB interface?

Hi all,

I have a question about the SmartFade lighting desk.
I would like to know if the drivers for the SmartFade USB interface a "open" and/or released. What I would like to do ultimately is to controle the devices DMX outputs through another software than the Smartsoft (not that I don't like SmartSoft, it's just that I'm looking to control automatic type machines and that SmartSoft isn't designed to do that... just as the SmartFade isn't mind you).

What I'm wondering is, since the SmartFade has : a USB connection, a DMX out connection, and has the capacity to encode DMX signals as per the DMX-512 protocol, can I use a computer connected to the SmartFades USB port to decide exactly what to send on the DMX port, OTHER than by using SmartSoft? And if I can, to what extend are the drivers to do it available to the public?

I hope I have made my questions as clear as possible, and will very much apreciate any input from the people at ETC or anyone with experience with the SmartFade and it's interface with computers and robot machines.

Thanks in advance.

  • I'm afraid that isn't possible as SmartSoft is just an additional user interface to the console - the console itself is actually running the show.


    If you want to control DMX devices from your own custom software, a Net3 DMX Gateway is perfect.

    These connect to standard Ethernet and convert ESTA/ANSI E1.31 standard Streaming ACN (also known as Streaming DMX) into DMX-512.
    E1.31 is an international standard for DMX-over-Ethernet transmission that can be easily purchased from ESTA, and has several freely-available implementations for you to study and test against.

    "sACNView" on SourceForge is an open-source Windows implementation of both transmitting and receiving E1.31 Streaming ACN and you are welcome to examine that code.

    [edited by: Richard at 2:07 PM (GMT -6) on Thu, Jul 29 2010]
  • Sorry, I know this thread is old but it seemed to be on the same kind of tracks I am looking down.

    From the previous posts I'm guessing that even the usb protocol that the SmartFade uses (not to send DMX but merely get slider position updates) and the low level source code is proprietry and therefore closed source for commercial reasons?

    If so forget the rest of this post but if not...

    I am in need of a way to control a lighting set with a greater degree of flexibility than your SmartFade/Soft console/software allows without buying more equipment (DMX to usb interface). If there was any way to custom control the SmartFade desk via USB I would be extremely interested, which is the reason I ask if there is any small chance the SmartSoft program could be open-sourced?...

    thanks anyway,


  • Sorry, I know this thread is old but it seemed to be on the same kind of tracks I am looking down.

    From the previous posts I'm guessing that even the usb protocol that the SmartFade uses (not to send DMX but merely get slider position updates) and the low level source code is proprietry and therefore closed source for commercial reasons?

    If so forget the rest of this post but if not...

    I am in need of a way to control a lighting set with a greater degree of flexibility than your SmartFade/Soft console/software allows without buying more equipment (DMX to usb interface). If there was any way to custom control the SmartFade desk via USB I would be extremely interested, which is the reason I ask if there is any small chance the SmartSoft program could be open-sourced?...

    thanks anyway,


  • Hi robertot,

    Blast from the past indeed! You are correct that the source code for the interaction between SmartSoft and the SmartFade and SmartFade ML consoles is closed source for commercial reasons.

    Out of curiosity, what additional flexibility of control are you looking to add?

    We like getting feedback about ideas and needs that you have that aren't currently being met. Who knows, perhaps your ideas could help shape a future update or product...



    [edited by: starksk at 9:39 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Feb 13 2013]
  • Hi,

    I realize this thread hasn't seen activity for about a year, but I have something to add concerning SmartSoft. I have been using the SmartFade 2496 for 6 months now. I think it is a nice console for the price range. We've used SmartSoft some but it tends to be quicker to program memories via the console itself. One thing that I would like to see in the software is the ability to save often used parameters for a range of channels (one fixture channel group and/or several groups). For example: we use all LED lighting and it would be helpful to be able to program all commonly used RGB color pallets for each fixture ONCE, then just drag n drop or select the desired color mix for a fixture. It gets tiresome adjusting values for up to 96 channels for every new scene.



