Mirroring smartfades via MIDI

I have a client that I sold a Smartfade and a Smartfade ML. It is a TV studio with one console in the actual studio and one the control booth. I want to mirror the two consoles via MIDI. When I did the install I spoke on the phone to tech support. They told me that functionality is currently broken. This was probably a year ago. Has this been fixed? If not, is there any plan to fix this issue? Thanks for your help.


  • What do you mean by 'mirroring'?  The MIDI functions on Smartfades are working and allow two consoles to be linked in the way you describe.  Please explain in more detail how you intend to use them


    Adam Bennette

  • The two consoles are wired MIDI out  to MIDI in from the ML to 24/96 and 24/96 to ML. The way I understand it the two boards should then mirror each other. I.E. I bring up channel one on the ML and channel one goes up on the 24/96. Also vice versa, if I bring up some values on the 24/96 the ML will reflect the same values.  Like I said this install was some time ago and it may have been fixed since then. Essentially I need complete control of the system from both consoles. Not sure if this clarifies anything for you but.... I appreciate the response.

    Thank you,

    Rob Kilpatrick

  • Alas, this is not possible.  It creates an endless echo loop.  You must choose which is the master and which is the slave, according to which one's MIDI OUT is connected to the other one's MIDI IN.

Reply Children
  • You should also note that MIDI is remote control of the Memories in the slave console, not the channels directly. (You can of course put whatever you like on the Memories)

    I'm also having trouble visualising what you intend the system to do - can you explain further?

  • OK, this is a small public access TV studio. They have a ML inside the actual studio (performance space). In the control booth with all of the video editing/production gear they have a 24/96. I want to be able to get the two consoles to remotely trigger each other. So, for example I record MEM 1 on both consoles as the same "look".  Then by bringing up MEM 1 on say the 24/96 will also bring up MEM 1 on the ML, or vice versa.

    For example  the client is in the performance space brings up MEM 1 (in our example this is a look that has the Seladors on the back drop to full Blue) on the ML. Now he steps into the editing suite and sees that the backdrop is too hot for the cameras. Since the 24/96 in the booth is mirroring the ML he can just move the fader on the 24/96 and reduce the intensity. Without having to go back into the performance space and use the ML.


    Here is an excerpt from the smartfade manual pg 27, I made bold and underlined the part pertaining to this:

    Synchronising Two SmartFades
    To synchronise playback of two SmartFade consoles, just connect MIDI OUT from console
    A to MIDI IN on console B. Now the main playback functions are “mirrored” from console A
    to console B.
    If you want to be able to playback from B as well, and mirror back to console A - connect
    MIDI OUT from console B to console A as well.

    There is no MIDI THRU in SmartFade - so there will be no “looping” of information.
    • Since MSC is default on so GO, PAUSE and STOP will be synchronised right away.
    • In MEM mode the faders and bumps will be synchronised*
    • SOLO mode will be synchronised for MEM bumps*
    • Grand Master, Blackout and Bumps Master will be synchronised*
    * These functions are transmitted from within the Basic MIDI implementation on the
    currently set MIDI channel. MIDI Channel, page 28, Basic MIDI implementation, page 27.

    Thank you guys so much for your responses and willingness to help. I hope this adequately explains my goal.

    - Rob
