FCB Time in Sequences

We just sold a Smartfade ML to a customer and while I was training  them I stumbled upon something that I need some help with. They recorded a bunch of memories and set a FCB time. Then they recorded a sequence with those same memories but the channels appear to use the sequence step times instead of the FCB times we set in the memories. Is this the way the console is supposed to work or are we doing something wrong. This is a big a deal for this client. Any insight into this would help. Thank you.



  • Hello Paul,

    No, FCB time is not supported in seq steps in SmartFade ML, only on memory faders.  When you make a seq (incl the stack sequence) there is a single time set for each step.  Move Dark may be able to help your customer, depending on what they want to do.

    We are about to release a public Beta version of Smartfade 3, within just a few days probably, that will offer considerably improved stack programming.  In particular it will be possible to make step insertions and deletions without subsequent steps being necessariy re-numbered.  The user may therefore be able to achieve their desired programming by setting up several steps, each moving a different parameter set.  To achieve this they should make memories, or better still perhaps directly record stack steps if it is for the main stack, using REC SEL with only the parameters that are to move recorded in each of these states.

    Hope this helps,


  • Adam,

    Thank you for the quick reply. Unfortunately that wont work for this customer. They are using sequences only. I will just let them know that they to think out there transistions before they program them. The FCB time would be a nice feature to add to sequences and stack at some point. Thank you.


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