Version 3 problems


We Upgraded one of our desks with the Beta3 test version. The problem we have is the installed Robe 575 colorspots and colorwash are not resonding to any command. the following is what has happened to date

  • the colorwash is mode 3 and the colorspots are mode 2 (this is required as these are the only modes that all our other desks have in common)
  • A DMX  tester confirms the desk is outputting the correct values on the correct channels
  • the patch of the desk is the same as the fixtures
  • a different desk with version 2 sotware operates all fixture fine outside of no mode 2 for the colorspots.

We have tried loading the fixtures from Version 3 library and using them in the Version 2 desk. The desk reads the fixture, allocates the correct amount of channels ........but then only assigns 4 usable parameters to the faders ...example pan ok but no tilt etc. no gobo

i am assuming a corrupted download of the lib file is to blame???

any thoughts?


  • Hi,

    Which beta version are you running on? In versions before, we had a problem with CMY fixtures. Are you running on or never?

    Do you have a show file with this problem that you can send to me? anders.ekvall (at) etcconnect (dot) com.


  • Hello,


    The problem is that in V3 all Robe ColorSpots and ColorWashes personalities are not correct. DMX-address 5 (pan/tilt speed) is always on 100% (DMX-value 255). That means that the pan and tilt movement is very, very slow. This is also the case in the newest softwareversion (V. See also

    You can solve the problem by patching tho Robe's in V2, save the showfile and load this showfile in V3.


    Greetings Nico Vellinga

  • Hi

    thats exactly the problem... the Robe fixtures are stuck at 255 pan and tilt........... Cheers

    i have downloaded (V3. similarly with the same problems

    we were looking at V3 because we needed the Mode 2 and 3 libraries for the robe Spots and wash. These are a requirement for our other larger desks to operate the installed Lighting we have for all of our venues.

    We made a Robe Mode 2 spot from scratch its all there but striking the lamps is from the faders not the device command. This makes it complicated for the solo Hall operators who are not LX based.

    Thanks for your help

  • Hi

    We were running until last week.

    we upgraded to but no joy.

     Nico has Id the problem in that the fixtures are stuck at 255 pan and tilt and pan tilt speed.  This is on the additional perslib file for these fixtures.... is there a way to edit these fixture from the desk?


