Sequence help needed

Ok, I have the SFML and I have my stack built. I also have a seq. programmed in 12-24.

How do you run a sequence within a stack???

I can't get it to work. I've re programmed many times. I'm using capture to see whats going on, which was the same at the theatre. I'd really like this seq. to run within the stack for the Silent Night song, but here is what is happening.

Here's the way(s) I've programmed it

I'm using 10 Mac's  - 6 on top and 4 on the bottom

In Mem page 12, I have a static look with all mac pointing in random directions with 2 different colors - n/c and dark amber programmed in 12-14. Then I bring the fader 12-14 down. I then goto INT DEVICE, and then bring fader 1 up and RECORD ALL it to mem 12-1. Bring it back down and goto the next 9 fixtures, recording them in the memories on page 12. So each of the 10 faders has 1 mac pointing in some random direction with either yellow or n/c. I then record 2 more memories, one with all bottom fixtures on full and one with both top on bottom on full, for the ending of the song.

Then I goto  RECORD SEQ., Memory page 12, number 24. and pick eighteen different buttons, then picking the two special ending buttons, hit RECORD SEQ again to finish BTW I recorded them with a 7.5 UP & 4.0 DOWN for the fading in & out. I also chose manual mode for the run mode, in case the singers are to fast or slow.

Here's the problem.... When in Stack mode and I get to that part in the stack, i've recorded a 10-24 (my home/blackout memory). While the stack light is still on, goto page 12 and bring up #24 fader to go into my seq. and the finished look with all fixtures at full are on full. That just wrecked my night. So after swearing up a storm, I had to use just stage lighting for that song and jump back into the stack after.

What am I doing wrong????? Please help me if you can! I'd like a step by step, if its not too much trouble.



[edited by: Joe_ML at 2:06 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Nov 24 2010]
  • Ok, so I recorded 12-24 in the stack where the song is @ cue 22, which is the last song before the end of the first act.  As soon as I pushed to GO button to goto 12-24/cue 22 which is a state in the stack, all intensities are at full and there is no sequence. I can't push # 24 to advance to the next step.

         I wish the manual stated how to do this!!!

  • Hi Joe -

    The reason the manual doesn't state how to do this is because you cannot embed sequences within the stack, only channels, memories or cues. You will need to trigger the sequence manually when you get to that part of the song.



  • I have tried everything again and I got it to work!!


    Not sure how exactly, but when running the stack, I recorded the sequence where it was needed in the stack with all intensities at zero i think. Then changed the run mode to manual. Went back into the stack and ran a couple cues before, to make sure I can run my show correctly. When I get to cue 22 (Seq), because the intensities are set to 0, I can then bring up fader 12-24 and push 24 to advance to the next step! Work like I was wanting!!

    Then because I recorded a blackout at the end of the seq, I can bring the fader back down and hit go, to conitinue to the next cue in the stack.

      Is this what you meant, or did I discover something new?
