Recording Chases into Stack

Hi There,

Something that has puzzled me for a while, is why if I programme a chase (Sequence) onto 13-24 of the memory subasters on any page, and then I bring it up onstage and hit 'Rec All' and stack, why doesn't it programme into the stack? Normal scenes on subs programme into the stack if they're up at the time of recording so why dont sequences.

Hope that was clear to you all, if not just ask.


(I am now using V3 - Build 25, but it didn't work in V2 either.)

Parents Reply
  • Do you not think that this is something of a set back?

    Also, is there any way of having an 'Auto Save' feature that automatically saves the show every 10 or so minutes during plotting onto a memory card or a computer that the desk is conected to? As the smartfade is designed to be in smaller venues such as schools and small theatres, I think this feature could be quite useful.

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