Smartfade 'Preview" Button

Could be a dumb question folks but I can't figure out what the preview button is supposed to do, or how to toggle it on. The documentation is pretty non-existent and seems to suggest that it has something to do with displaying memory levels. But, it simply says to press the button to invoke it. I press mine and nothing happens. No light, no change on the lcd or Smartsoft, nothing...

All suggestions greatly appreciated!

  • It would seem that you need to do the following to use the Preview button when using the Smartsoft application.

    • Press the Mems button in Smartsoft to enter into memories mode.
    • Press and hold the Ctrl key on you keyboard then click on the Preview button in Smartsoft.
    • Whilst still holding the Ctrl key down, now select the bump button for the memory you want to Preview.
      Smartsoft will now show you the Mem Edit Tab and the channel levels assigned to that memory position.

    There are a couple of other ways to also see what you have in a memory with Smartsoft.

    • You can click on the Mem Edit Tab and then navigate BY THE Memory - section to the page number and memory number you want to preview. Example: 01/02 (Page 01 - Memory 02).
    • you can click on the Pages Lo Tab or Pages Hi Tab to see all of the memories stored (in red).
      Now double click on the page/mem number (example:  01/02) and Smartsoft will now show you the Mem Edit Tab and the channel levels assigned to that memory position.

    I hope this helps.

  • Fantastic! Thanks so much.

    However, I'm still interested in knowing how to invoke the function using the desk only.

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  • I do not have the SmartFade 2496 console with me at the moment, but I think it works like this:

    To use the Preview button when using the SmartFade console .

    • Press the Mems button in SmartFade to enter into memories mode.
    • Press the Preview button, it will light up blue.
      Now the memory/sequence bumps will start blinking.
      You can change the memory page 01-12 here if you need to, see pg 57 of the SmartFade User Manual.
    • Select a memory/sequence bump button to preview. The selected Bump stops blinking. The LCD(s) will show intensities for the currently selected fader mode. (manual pg 14)
    • Select another memory/sequence bump button to preview if needed.
    • Select the Preview button again to deactivate preview mode (manual pg 14)