Smartfade 'Preview" Button

Could be a dumb question folks but I can't figure out what the preview button is supposed to do, or how to toggle it on. The documentation is pretty non-existent and seems to suggest that it has something to do with displaying memory levels. But, it simply says to press the button to invoke it. I press mine and nothing happens. No light, no change on the lcd or Smartsoft, nothing...

All suggestions greatly appreciated!

  • Hi,

    The Preview/Smartsoft button has two different functions.

    1. When the console is used without SmartSoft, it allows you to preview memories or sequences on the local display. Press Preview/Smartsoft followed by a memory button or a sequence button to see its content on the display.

    2. When the console is connected to SmartSoft, it changes to control SmartSoft. Pressing Preview/SmartSoft till toggle between the main tabs of SmartSoft. You can also hold Preview/Smartsoft and press MEMS, FOCUS, COLOR, BEAM, STACK etc to activate related tabs in Smartsoft without using the mouse.

  • Hi,

    The Preview/Smartsoft button has two different functions.

    1. When the console is used without SmartSoft, it allows you to preview memories or sequences on the local display. Press Preview/Smartsoft followed by a memory button or a sequence button to see its content on the display.

    2. When the console is connected to SmartSoft, it changes to control SmartSoft. Pressing Preview/SmartSoft till toggle between the main tabs of SmartSoft. You can also hold Preview/Smartsoft and press MEMS, FOCUS, COLOR, BEAM, STACK etc to activate related tabs in Smartsoft without using the mouse.

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