Setting colors in color effects

How would you go about setting up a color effect with colors that are outside of the preprogammed effects in the board ie purple red green ect. I am trying to match color to a background loop on a screen

  • Hello,

    You might be able to get what you need using the Base and Range controls.  Each colour effect is a loop of colours, normally it runs all the way through.  With Base and Range you can pick just a part of the loop.  For instance, with the rainbow effect you can set base to start at, say, green and Range to finish at, say Cyan.  This works with all the effects, so if you only want to see a part of the whole effect use Base to set the start point and range to set the length. 

  • I have tried base and range and didnt see where it had any effect.  How do those number corespond to colors in the range ie where would green be in 1 -100

Reply Children
  • Base and Range work around the colour circle - 0 to 100 around the full circle.

    Probably the easiest way to see this is using the Rainbow effect, set range to zero and adjust Base.

    Looking at Base alone, here are some approximations of standard colours: (For different fixtures you may need to tweak these slightly)

    • Red = 0 and 100 (It's a circle!)
    • Yellow = 25
    • Green = 33
    • Cyan = 58
    • Blue = 70
    • Magenta = 83

    Two examples:
    Set Base to 0 and Range to 33 you get an effect that goes between Red and Green.
    Base at 33, Range at 37, you get Green to Blue.

    You will probably also want to adjust the "Style" - Bounce will bounce between the colours, Forward and Backward will restart at the first/last colour when they reach the other end.

    Chroma allows you to adjust the saturation of the colour - negative values give you pastels (closer to white), positive gives you deeper colours.
    - Note that some types like Rainbow and Harlequin are already fully saturated.

  • Richard,

    I use the color effects frequently but it take forever to figure out the numbers that match up to the colors used in the various effects.  Can you supply the numbers for all 11 color effects like you did for the rainbow effect?  I could then come up with the my adjustments offline and fine tune at the board and not spend most of my time looking for the color range I want.


    Chip Cooper
