Elation Opti tri par profile problems

I just updated my Smartfade ML to version 3.0 along with the library update to 6.6.5. In the profile for the Elation Opti-tri par7 channel there is what I believe to be a mistake. In this mode the fixture has an Intensity channel which is address 7. You guys made the rgb channels fade with intensity rather than using the actual fixture Intensity channel. The actual fixture channel is mapped to user 7. So in order to get any light out put you have to bring up two intensity faders.

I was hoping this issue could be addressed in the next library update.

Thank You,


  • Thanks for the report.
    The information we had when building the library said that Address 7 is a "Colour Mix Macro Rate", which is why it's on the User 7 fader.

    That's clearly incorrect, and I've made a note of it for the next library release.

  • Also the profile for the Elation RGB (which is the same exact control scheme as for the tri opti’s in seven channel mode) should be the same as for this unit. I was hoping I could get you guys to patch these in a more sensible manner too. I have made a user profile that patches them the way I like. Following is a table.

    DMX Address – Unit Function = Console Handle # – Handle Name

    Fixture channel 1 – Red = Handle 4 - Hue (red)

    Fixture channel 2 – Green = Handle 4 - Hue (green)

    Fixture channel 3 – Blue = Handle 4 - Hue (blue)

    Fixture channel 4 – Color Macro = Handle 6 (wheel 1)

    Fixture channel 5 – Strobe/speed control = Handle 10 (Strobe/shutter)

    Fixture channel 6 – Mode = Handle 7 (Wheel 2)

    Fixture channel 7 – Intensity = Handle 1 (Intensity)

    This patch result in all the handles being in the param 1 page and means I have to do less paging back and forth when programming.

    Following is a quote from the perslib notes for the tri-opti seven channel mode:

    Known Issues :

    Ch 5,6 - User manual does not say which of these channels takes priority over the other if both have a macro selected.  Have assumed ch 6 will win.

    Channel 6 changes the mode of the unit. Above 50% it has a color mixing mode where it fades through the different colors. Then there is a 3 color and seven color changing mode which snap to the colors instead of fading. From 99 to 100% is a sound active mode where the unit changes color based on the internal microphone.

    Channel 5 in fact controls the speed of the color change in all these modes except the audio mode.

    Also it looks like the 3 channel mode has the RGB values fading with Intensity too. Since this unit has a four channel mode with an actual Intensity channel.  I’d say that the 3 channel mode shouldn’t be set this way. If I wanted an Intensity channel I’d use the unit in 4 channel mode.  If I’m using it in three channel mode there is probably a reason I don’t want an Intensity channel.

    Hope some of this helps. Keep up the good work!!!

  • Thanks for the additional information!

    As to the 3-channel mode, we *always* put a virtual intensity on additive-mixing fixtures that don't provide their own intensity.
    Controlling a fixture that doesn't have an intensity is extremely confusing.

    The most likely reason someone might be using the 3-channel mode would be that they don't have space for the extra DMX address given the rest of their rig.

  • Thanks for the additional information!

    As to the 3-channel mode, we *always* put a virtual intensity on additive-mixing fixtures that don't provide their own intensity.
    Controlling a fixture that doesn't have an intensity is extremely confusing.

    The most likely reason someone might be using the 3-channel mode would be that they don't have space for the extra DMX address given the rest of their rig.

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