several questions about SFML


I'm learning SFML and got some questions

1st: How can I flash with Bump Bottons? So i want my parameters at 100% when i push the bump button.

2nd: How to delete only 1 device from my patch?

3rd: is there a GEL-picker?

4th: Can the color of a color wheel be shown on the device/pallette selects like when i have an CMY-fixture?


more to come ;) Thank you

  • well, if i would have read the manual a little longer than 5 minutes aber watching the videos, the 2nd question would have been no question ;)

    but what about my other problems?

  • Hi there-

    I believe there is a way to have the bump button trigger just the parameters and have the fader control the intensity, but not the other way around. So, to do what you describe in question 1, you can move the fader just a little above 0% to get the parameters moving, and then use the bump button to flash the intensity. If you don't move the fader a little, then intensity and parameters will flash.

    Questions 3: no there is no gel picker or color picker. You can use the Hue/Sat faders or the encoders for direct color parameter control and then store your colors to the color palettes. Or you can stick with the 24 pre-built color palettes SFML creates as soon as you patch a fixture with color mixing capabilities.

    Question 4: No, only color mix information can be shown on these buttons.

    Thanks -


  • Hi there-

    I believe there is a way to have the bump button trigger just the parameters and have the fader control the intensity, but not the other way around. So, to do what you describe in question 1, you can move the fader just a little above 0% to get the parameters moving, and then use the bump button to flash the intensity. If you don't move the fader a little, then intensity and parameters will flash.

    Questions 3: no there is no gel picker or color picker. You can use the Hue/Sat faders or the encoders for direct color parameter control and then store your colors to the color palettes. Or you can stick with the 24 pre-built color palettes SFML creates as soon as you patch a fixture with color mixing capabilities.

    Question 4: No, only color mix information can be shown on these buttons.

    Thanks -

