Memories taking the place of Sequences but not showing properly

Based on the manual the ML has 244 memories (24x12 pages) and the 144 sequences (12x12 pages) but since you can't record a sequence over a memory the amount of one will affect the available amount of the other correct?

Since a memory can be recorded over a sequence why doesn't the fader bump button change color then to reflect that it is now a memory and no longer a sequence?

For example: I have a sequence in fader 14 right now. I then record a memory...assign it to fader 14. I get no error on the screen. Then when I push MEMS fader 14 still lights up yellow not red. Why doesn't it reflect that the channel is now a memory?

  • Memories are recorded under the sequences to allow all memory locations to be used even if some masters hold sequences. A memory on a master that also holds a sequence are "hidden" but can still be referenced from sequences. The master will still control the sequence and is therefore indicated with yellow. To remove a sequence from a master, re-record it without any steps.

  • I completely understand both replies on here. Thank you for the feedback.

    However here is my challenge:

    One page one I programmed 24 memories. 1 into each channel (fader). I then created 12 sequences starting with channel 13-24. So now on my board when I go to page 1 faders 1-12 glow red and 13-24 glow green.

    I'm not trying to make a few changes to a couple of the memories that are being in used in the sequence on fader 14. However, when I look at it in Smartsoft sequence 14 is build off of 3 memories which are on page 1 and in channel 16,17,18. I'm trying to pull up these memories so I can make some changes to some LED Par's and moving heads that I'm using in those memories. However, it appears I'm unable to recall these memories since the sequences are now living on top of them. If I copy the sequence to a new page and delete the sequence from fader 14 it clears everything out including the memory.

    Is there any way to to be able reference a memory that is living beneath a sequence in order to update some traits in it to be displayed in the sequence that memory is used for? I've tried everything I can think of and the only solution I came up with is in the future to create all my memories starting at page 4 and up and then use pages 1-3 to program sequences so I never have memories living "under" sequences. Obviously, this is a work around or maybe it's the only way to do it. However in order to update my sequence I need to go in and change the memories it's build from but how do I do that when those memories are on a channel that also has a sequence?

    Thank You

  • I completely understand both replies on here. Thank you for the feedback.

    However here is my challenge:

    One page one I programmed 24 memories. 1 into each channel (fader). I then created 12 sequences starting with channel 13-24. So now on my board when I go to page 1 faders 1-12 glow red and 13-24 glow green.

    I'm not trying to make a few changes to a couple of the memories that are being in used in the sequence on fader 14. However, when I look at it in Smartsoft sequence 14 is build off of 3 memories which are on page 1 and in channel 16,17,18. I'm trying to pull up these memories so I can make some changes to some LED Par's and moving heads that I'm using in those memories. However, it appears I'm unable to recall these memories since the sequences are now living on top of them. If I copy the sequence to a new page and delete the sequence from fader 14 it clears everything out including the memory.

    Is there any way to to be able reference a memory that is living beneath a sequence in order to update some traits in it to be displayed in the sequence that memory is used for? I've tried everything I can think of and the only solution I came up with is in the future to create all my memories starting at page 4 and up and then use pages 1-3 to program sequences so I never have memories living "under" sequences. Obviously, this is a work around or maybe it's the only way to do it. However in order to update my sequence I need to go in and change the memories it's build from but how do I do that when those memories are on a channel that also has a sequence?

    Thank You
