iPad for Smartfade ML

Any chance of the SmartSoft software being updated to run on iPad and connecting to a Smartfade ML control?  I don't have a lot of area to set a laptop next to my contorl and the iPad would be perfect for this.

  • Hi there -

    No, this is not possible to do, sorry - there are hardware issues and the iPad screen is too small for SmartSoft to be displayed properly. As a workaround suggestion, you could perhaps create a short stand so that the console could sit directly above your laptop keyboard?

    Thanks -


  • Hi there -

    No, this is not possible to do, sorry - there are hardware issues and the iPad screen is too small for SmartSoft to be displayed properly. As a workaround suggestion, you could perhaps create a short stand so that the console could sit directly above your laptop keyboard?

    Thanks -


  • Another and probably much cheaper (than an iPad) solution:

    Get a really cheap desktop PC. Your offices may have an old one. Old used ones can be pretty cheap. After all SmartSoft doesn't take a lot of computing power. You do need 1280x1024 graphics.

    Put the PC in a corner and run long monitor and USB cables up to the console.

    [edited by: RickR at 3:50 PM (GMT -6) on Mon, Jul 11 2011]