SmartSoft Pages


I have been using SmartSoft (for Mac) via screen share to control our SmartFade from my laptop.  I cannot, however, figure out how to change pages either on the virtual SmartFade popup or from the playback tab.  I read something about clicking on the "Page 1" text on the playback tab, but nothing happens when I click, double click, etc…

Thank you,

 - RedBassett

[edited by: redbassett at 7:42 PM (GMT -6) on Sun, Jul 24 2011]
  • Just like on the real console, hold down the [MEMS] button and click the bump button (labelled 1,2,3...12) for the page you want.

    To hold down a button, hold down CTRL (Windows) or the Apple key and click the button.

    - The bit about clicking the text refers to labelling and the Mem Edit page, where you click on the page/mem number to select which page and memory to edit.

  • Just like on the real console, hold down the [MEMS] button and click the bump button (labelled 1,2,3...12) for the page you want.

    To hold down a button, hold down CTRL (Windows) or the Apple key and click the button.

    - The bit about clicking the text refers to labelling and the Mem Edit page, where you click on the page/mem number to select which page and memory to edit.
