Auto - Pallettes

Hi, I have a shiny new Smartfade ML and having used it several times on events I'm very impressed with the 'bang for buck' especially relating to all the features in such a small and well-designed package.

The only thing I find it's missing (unless I'm missing something, which is entirely possible) is auto palletes for things other than colour mixing.

I know you get a better show if you can create your own pallettes but for time-sensitive situations on small events (such as I'm using it for) it's worth it's weight in gold to being to quickly create some generic pallettes.

As you know how many gobo's/ prism's/colour dichroics on a wheel and where they are in the DMX range could you possibly offer a way to create auto palletes?

I know the buttons can't show text but maybe in Beam, say, green for a gobo position (in the rotating range), yellow for rotation options (slow/fast/clock/anti) blue for prisms, purple for prism rotation etc.

As for colour maybe auto palletes for the drop-in colours based on factory norms? Just so we don't have to wheel over to the center of each one and then save each.

If the SfML had this it would be an absolute diamond!



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