Sequences in Stacks

I am looking at getting a Smartfade 24/96 board that will be connected to a laptop with SmartSoft. I have been researching to see if it can do what I want. While it looks very capable I'm not sure it can do exactly what I want.

I'm sure this is simple and I am overlooking something, but I can't seem to figure it out. I want to create a series of events that I can step though by pressing a button. I really need it to be this simple because I may not always be the one running the board.

Here is my series of events:

1. House at full.

2. Flash house lights.

3. Scene 1.

4. Scene 2.

and on and on.

I'm sure this is a typical sequence of events.

What I have tried so far is to make all the different scenes in memory, including House at full and House at 25%. I made a sequence to switch between the two house memories to flash the house lights. When I went to make a Stack I could add memories, but not a sequence. Am I missing something?

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi there -

    SmartFade and SmartFade ML do not allow the insertion of sequences into other sequence steps. You could write the flash steps and give them wait times, which would function like a single shot effect of fixed duration, or if you really need the houselights to flash for a different amount of time each performance, you can take the chase sequence up and down manually at that point in the show.

    Thanks much -

