Smart Fade upgrade

Can anyone tell me how to do a usb upgrade using Windows XP AND Windows 7 other than the user manual steps?  I have followed all the instructins a million times but the console won't connect to either my desktop Windows XP or my laptop Windows 7.  Actually nothing happens.  I run the Downloader.exe,  get the awaiting window, turn the console on in test mode and go through all the tests up until the Firmware Upgrade message and it never connnects.  When I choose Yes the console does a few things then ends with File Not Found because it never connected.

Of course it did fail the Midi test because I don't have a midi cable to link with, but I wouldnt think any of the tests results should matter.

The only way I have been able to see either of my computers even recognize a usb device was connected is to just turn on the SF normally.  It then recognizes a new device but of course it wants drivers and fails.

Help please.  I don't want to have to go out and purchase a usb sd reader.

  • Jeff Toussieng said:

    The only way I have been able to see either of my computers even recognize a usb device was connected is to just turn on the SF normally.  It then recognizes a new device but of course it wants drivers and fails.

    I just upgraded mine about an hour ago. It needed drivers but found and installed them. Does your PC have an internet connection? Not sure if internet is needed but, without the drivers installed your PC wont communicate with the board.

    Jeff Toussieng said:

    Of course it did fail the Midi test because I don't have a midi cable to link with, but I wouldnt think any of the tests results should matter.

     I didn't connect the MIDI or DMX for those tests. Didn't affect install at all.


  • I asked it to search for drivers on the net and it didn't find any.  I'll try again.

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