Help creating a User Personality for IColour4

We used to have 4 faders custom set to different colours for IColour4 on our Smartfade ML i.e fader 13 was set to blue, fader 15 to pink, 16 to green & 17 to orange.  An outside company used our board and messed up all our existing settings and currently only fader 17 - orange works.  I am a novice at this and have been trying to create a new custom User Personality for each colour and patching it to the different faders but with no success I can't even get the light to go on for fader 13 - 16 let alone show a colour only the orange one on fader 17 goes on. 
The DMX address is set 496. 

If someone could help me with a step by set setup I would really appreciate it because the tutorials on YouTube dont cover creating User Personality and IColour is not in Patch Wizard list. I have attached Icolour spec sheet.
