ML + Revolution (rwm + swm)

I am driving revotlutions with RWM & SWM but i cannot get the rotating to spin continuously. I can only index. Am I missing something??


  • Hi Rudy -

    In the Revolution profile, there are 4 control channels for the RWM if it is used in the front bay (Channels 16-19) and 4 control channels if it is used in the back bay (Channels 20-23)

    Channel 16 or 20 - selects the gobo: 0-5% is open, 6-10% is Gobo 1, 11-15% is Gobo 2, 16-20% is Gobo 3

    Channel 17 or 21 - selects the mode: 0-5% is index, 6-10% is rotate clockwise, 11-15% is rotate counter-clockwise.

    Channel 18 or 22 (coarse) Channel 19 or 23 (fine) either sets the index position or sets the rotation speed, depending on the mode determined by Ch. 17 or 21.



    I saw the channel listing in the manual but I am unsure how this relates to the parameter handles or the encoders. Is it 1-1?  Where is this control on the encoders?


  • Hi Rudi -

    The best way to sort out what the parameters do for a given fixture is to select that fixture and then use the PARAM 1 and PARAM 2 fader modes to see what fader bump keys light up. The lit bumps will tell you which parameters are valid for that fixture type (the names appear on the console's graphic overlay, above and below the bump keys themselves).

    For gobo controls, you have 4 possible parameter names:  [Gobo] Select, Index, Rotate and Mode. For a Revolution, the key is to remember that you don't have to move the fader/encoder very far to get through the entire list of possibilities for that parameter (as Tom lists in an earlier post). This means you shouldn't move the Select or Mode fader higher than 20%. It's possible that you are simply moving these parameters too far, so you don't see the fixture responding. Does this help?

    Thanks -


  • Bingo!!

    Thanks a million. This is why we are etc here top to bottom.


  • Another trick that may help with parameters that need only a small nudge to change something dramatically - if you use the SEL key by the encoders and hit any parameter bump button, you will have that parameter (and associated parameters) on the encoders. So, if you hold SEL and hit Pan, for example, you will have Pan and Tilt on the encoders. This is very powerful, as it lets you make fine adjustments, even after you've created a palette/memory/etcetera. I would think this would be very helpful with the S4R gobo wheel modes.