Missing device library 7.5.3?

Where can i find device library 7.5.3 ?

  • It looks like we've forgotten to put it up as a separate download, so we'll get that sorted out. Sorry for the wait.

    It is included in the SmartSoft v3.0.1 install - look in Smartsoft/Binaries for the file called "perslib.bin".

    In case you don't want to install SmartSoft, I've also attached the perslib.bin and library reference file to this post.

    To use this file on a standalone console, extract the 'perslib.bin' file onto the root of an SD card, then you can use the Load Personality section of the menu to copy chosen personalities into your console.

    - Note that this library does require SmartFade ML v3.0.1, so you'll need to update your console if you haven't already.

    [edited by: Richard at 8:06 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Nov 24 2011]
    SFML Personality Library v7.5.3.zip