complete fade after GO

Is it possible to immediatly complete the step in a stack pressing a single button after pressing GO in a timed fade?

For instance: you have a 20 sec fade programmed for 2 steps in a stack, but during playback after 10 sec you see the fade should be completed, is it possible to immediatly 'jump'  and turn 'next' into 'live'  ?



  • Yes - grab the crossfaders and push them to the top.

    If they are already at the top, pull them back until they 'meet' the ongoing crossfade - taking control of it - then push them to the top.

    The crossfaders have a 'meet-and-take' behaviour - once they 'catch up' with the current timed crossfade they'll take over control of it.

    [edited by: Richard at 4:34 AM (GMT -6) on Thu, Dec 1 2011]