two problems effects smartfade ml

1-Because if you store a shape effect in a memory by pulling up and down the slider start and stops the effect however , if record it in a sequence even if i put the slider to 0 ,the effect continues to act

2) problem shepe effect

for example , memorize a scene with effect circle (eff 2)in submaster 1

freeze effect with (eff red 12)

reset parameeter (4 times clear)

Submaster 1 to 100 port value to control the scene , ok circle effect.

ok scene

Carry submaster 1 to 0 , the circle effect stops

Ihave to store a new scene this time with no effect  in submaster 2.

During storage is not moving any fixture

But going to have to check my static scene in submaster 2 , i find my circle effect ,i did not want that.

because once they start from a submaster effect remain in the air but you do not see thanks

Excuse my English
