Chauvet COLORail Profile

Recently installed a few Chauvet COLORail units. I have no idea how to create a personality as complex as this fixture requires to get it to do what i want it to do. I prefer the 26 channel mode so that i may control the fixture via 8 different RGB sections. If anyone knows where i can find this profile or assist me in creating it, that would be awesome!


  • SmartFade ML doesn't support "compound" fixturess made up of multiple 'sections' ('cells' or 'pixels'), it doesn't have enough colour control slots to do so.

    You can patch it as several Generic > RGB devices, one for each section, then you'll have a Device button for each of the sections and can use all the SmartFade ML Effects etc.

    - You'll also need to patch the "Intensity" and maybe "Strobe" channels to separate dimmer channels, perhaps all of the COLORail units to the same ones?

  • I'm willing to try that. How would I tell the console that I am going to split the fixture up into different devices? And why put the intensity & strobe on INT A or INT B? I'd rather just have a separate one for each section (device) under parameter 1/2. Thank you for your help!

  • If one of these bars is set to DMX Start Address 1, patch as follows:

    All Devices use the "Generic > LED - RGB 8b" template.

    Now patch 8 Devices starting at DMX Address 2.
    You can do this all in one go: Set DMX to 2, and the "Count" to 8.

    This will give you:

    • Device 1: DMX Address 2
    • Device 2: DMX Address 5
    • Device 3: DMX Address 8
    • Device 4: DMX Address 11
    • Device 5: DMX Address 14
    • Device 6: DMX Address 17
    • Device 7: DMX Address 20
    • Device 8: DMX Address 23

    However, there are two attributes left on the fixture - Global Strobe (which you might not need) and Global Intensity (which you need to set to Full).

    So you can patch a spare Int, Dev or Ind to DMX Address 1, and set that to Full all the time - this is basically a SubGrandmaster for the COLORail unit.

    SmartFade ML will 'invent' an Intensity for each of the sections, which will Just Work.

    (In the other modes you would patch fewer sections.)

  • Hmm...that makes sense in my head, but not so much when I sit behind the board. I tried a few times and cant seem to get it. Do you have access to an SD card where you could possibly create this profile and email it to me? I could then load it straight to the board via SD card. If not, that is fine, I'll try a few more times and see what I can come up with. Thank you very much for all of your help!


    (If you are able to create the profile, I would use a strobe for the fixtures.)

  • I've attached an example so you can see what I mean.

    In the attached, one COLORrail at DMX Start Address 1 on Universe 1 is patched to Devices 1 thru 8, the "Master Intensity" is on A1, and "Master Strobe" on A2.

    The key thing to remember is that this is not a profile.
    It's a way of patching the sections of the fixture so you have individual control of each section, plus a couple of faders for the "Master" parameters.

    Chauvet COLORail Example.asc
  • I've attached an example so you can see what I mean.

    In the attached, one COLORrail at DMX Start Address 1 on Universe 1 is patched to Devices 1 thru 8, the "Master Intensity" is on A1, and "Master Strobe" on A2.

    The key thing to remember is that this is not a profile.
    It's a way of patching the sections of the fixture so you have individual control of each section, plus a couple of faders for the "Master" parameters.

    Chauvet COLORail Example.asc
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