Unable to Copy Memories

Just got my board back a few months ago after being serviced at ETC. Had a variety of issues trying to save and restore files, etc. Most of it seems to be working so far (knock on wood). However, I do seem to be having a problem copy memories from one page to another. Here's an example of what I was just working on:

I want to copy Memory in Fader 24 on Page 2 to Memory 24 nf page 12. Right now Memory 24 is empty on page 12. There are no sequences in it and it flashes available when trying to copy.

While on Page 1 I push the COPY button. I then push bump button under Fader 24.

I hold down MEM and select 12 for page 12. The available channels flash.

I select 24 and all flashing stops.

The bump button under Fader 24 still appears dull red and doesn't show anything is there. I press clear a few times, home out the fixtures, etc. and anytime I go to page 12 there is nothing in Fader 24.

Can anyone help?
