ETC Smartfade 1248 Firmware and Software

Hi there, sorry if my questions aren't here,

I've buyed an ETC SmartFade 1248 and have the Firmware version - and I wanna now if exist a new version and where can I download, because I've been looking on the ETC website and I haven't found it.

Another question is about the software for MAC/PC, whell, I have a MAC with Win7 64bit installed to, and I wanna work with the software but I think that I'm having problemas, doesn't work in 64bit? When I connect the ETC appears an error that I need to update one or another to work with it.


Can anyone help me here?

Sorry for my bad english, hope you can understaind me.

Best regards,

André Scala

  • Yes, there is a newer version, at the moment the latest is SmartSoft, SmartFade and SmartFade ML v3.0.2

    This can be downloaded from

    In the second part I presume you are talking about SmartSoft?
    In order to connect the console to the SmartSoft application on your computer  both must be running the same version, so if you have SmartSoft v3.0.2 it won't connect to SmartFade v3.0.1.

    There is a native Mac OSX version as well, so you don't have to dual-boot if you don't want to. (Parallels may not work as it is a bit strange for USB, Boot Camp will)

    If you already have SmartSoft, the firmware for SmartFade is included - in Windows 7 64-bit this will be in "C:\Program Files(x86)\ETC\SmartSoft\Firmware Updates" by default.

    - In Windows you can run the "SFDownloader" application to update the console once it is in the firmware update stage of test mode, on Mac OSX you'll need to update the console using an SD Card.

    When first connecting the console you may need to tell the computer which driver to install, tell it to look in "...\ETC\SmartSoft\Drivers"

    [edited by: Richard at 5:26 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, Apr 18 2012]