SmartFade ML - LED Color Mixing w/ Separate Memories

I have a SmartFade ML at church where the regular users are not comfortable doing anything outside of the memories.  To this end I attempted to set up separate memories where they can mix color for their LED fixtures.  The problem is that when I have the "Red" memory up and bring up the "Blue" memory, it replaces the red with blue instead of adding to it.  I am guessing that is because there are hard values of zero for the other color values and they are overriding the existing values.

I read about masking, but can't figure out how to mask individual color channels for the custom fixture (Design Brick 70).  I can roll the other colors down to zero, but they don't roll down to "--", and they don't have buttons to click to allow you to mask the individual colors, only Hue & Saturation.

What am I missing?



  • Memories record the complete colour, so as you've seen, a mems fader with "Red" recorded means "Make these fixture Red", not "add the red diodes".
    - Equally, a mems fader with "Yellow" or "Puce" recorded will make the fixtures yellow or puce, even though those colours need more than one diode lit.

    You can't mask out individual RGB colour params, that's a much more advanced concept than the console is really intended for. The Masking is really intended for splitting Gobos and that kind of thing - it's nice to have a Beam palette that's just Gobo 1, and another that's just Gobo 2.

    How about showing them the Device Select and Colour palettes?

    It's much easier to use than trying to mix up colours with RGB faders anyway:

    1. Choose the devices you want to change the colour of. (Make the buttons bright)
    2. Hit [Color]
    3. Hit the button that's the color you want.

    These colour palettes are auto-generated so they are always available.

    In my experience this kind of user is only really worried about "messing up the show file". Let them know it's saved on the SD card and they can always get it back and they'll be much more adventurous.
    - They'll have more fun as well!

  • Memories record the complete colour, so as you've seen, a mems fader with "Red" recorded means "Make these fixture Red", not "add the red diodes".
    - Equally, a mems fader with "Yellow" or "Puce" recorded will make the fixtures yellow or puce, even though those colours need more than one diode lit.

    You can't mask out individual RGB colour params, that's a much more advanced concept than the console is really intended for. The Masking is really intended for splitting Gobos and that kind of thing - it's nice to have a Beam palette that's just Gobo 1, and another that's just Gobo 2.

    How about showing them the Device Select and Colour palettes?

    It's much easier to use than trying to mix up colours with RGB faders anyway:

    1. Choose the devices you want to change the colour of. (Make the buttons bright)
    2. Hit [Color]
    3. Hit the button that's the color you want.

    These colour palettes are auto-generated so they are always available.

    In my experience this kind of user is only really worried about "messing up the show file". Let them know it's saved on the SD card and they can always get it back and they'll be much more adventurous.
    - They'll have more fun as well!

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