recording queues

I am a volunteer for a community theater.  We have a smartfade 2496.  I've figured out how to create a look and save it to a fader.  however, creating queues doesn't make any sense to me.  I've tried reading the instructions and watching the videos, but I suspect that my dyslexia is preventing me from getting the obvious.  I want to create a look, save it to a queue.  create the next look and save it to the next queue.  Can someone provide the easiest steps to get this done? 

    • Make the look.
    • Press the [Rec Mem] button
      • The bump buttons for the MEMS faders will start blinking, as will the [Stack] button.
    • Press the [Stack] button
    • On the LCD you'll see "Record step #.#"
    • Press the [Tick] button to confrim "Record Step"
    • Now use the dial to choose the step number
      • Default is the next step
    • Press the [Tick] button to confirm

    So the usual way if you're just building a Stack is:

    Make look, [Rec Mem], [Stack], [Tick], [Tick].

    Older versions of SmartFade software work slightly differently, the newest release as of today is v3.0.2.
    To check your software version, [Tick] to open the menu, dial to "Diagnostics", [Tick], dial to "Software Version", [Tick]
    The newest version of software can be downloaded from the ETC website, see the release notes for installation instructions.

    [edited by: Richard at 3:45 AM (GMT -6) on Wed, May 30 2012]