Smartfade memory timings

Despite digesting the manual from cover to cover I can't see how to add a time to a memory (read also: sub) that's not in the cuestack. For example; I have a set wash on memory fader 11, and I want it to have a 1 second fade in and a 2 second fade out. Is there any way of doing this other than manually? Desk is the Smartfade 1296. Is it just me missing something? Rate only applies to sequences and cuestacks, correct? This is a fairly basic feature of so many desks, both analog and digital, I would hate to think it's not avalible on this desk!

Thanks in advance


  • I'm afraid you're right.

    Timings are only available in sequences and stack.

    If you absolutely need to have a timing on a particular fader, you can use a sequence's fader with 3 steps (black,effect,black) and play it manually with  the flash button as a "go" button. 


  • To be honest it wasn't something I desperately needed, my company bought 12 smartbars and 6 smartfades, flight cased in 2 bars & 1 desk package, as a standard kit for small conferences, and I hadn't got around to trying the desk out until today’s job. I usually program on a pearl, and our previous small gig desk was either a zero 88 XL/S or a LSC maxim. The smartfade certainly is great for the price point, and can control a fantastic number of channels for the footprint. I think we made the right choice with this desk for the application, is there any chance that memory timings would be included in a future software update? The smart bars are a godsend; my rig today only used 12 cables (2x smartbars, 4x chromabanks) and I was out before video! (How many gigs can you say that?)

  • Will there be an update, to fix this problem.

    I do not have it yet, but I really like the smartfade. I would buy it, if i could fade between the memorys!!

    Greetings from Germany,

