Using My SmartFade 24/96 via Wifi and my Ipod Touch ?

Hi Everybody,

I'am  a new user of the SmartFade 24/96 with smartsoft. Is it possible to control the soft and hardware via Wifi whith my ipod ? I'am trying to make those thing talk together since 4 days and it is still not working. I have etc iRFR Preview, but it is not working whith the smartfade 24/96 !!!! I just want to have a remote in my ipod to check channels,etc, 

Thanks for your help



  • Regie,

    Unfortunately, this product is not designed to connect to the Smart Family consoles. It is only for Eos and Congo Family consoles.   The Smart family consoles do not have a network connection which is required for the IRFR to communicate.


    Here is the IRFR product page link for more information.


  • I recall hearing of one of our customers that is using a VNC application to allow an iPad to control the computer that running SmartSoft, but was not involved in setting this up and don't know how well it actually works in practice.  Might be something worth playing around with if this is functionality that you truly need...

  • I recall hearing of one of our customers that is using a VNC application to allow an iPad to control the computer that running SmartSoft, but was not involved in setting this up and don't know how well it actually works in practice.  Might be something worth playing around with if this is functionality that you truly need...
