Product Portfolio, But For Manuals

It would be nice to have somewhere to have all ETC manuals in one place and download them all in the same place in the same format as product portfolio. Download all the revisions / release notes when you are online and then have access to them when you are on the road or on a site with no internet connection. This would be especially useful in a mobile app. My idea would be that you could choose to download everything, or select the products you have and only download what's relevant, or manually select the documents you need.



  • Hi Tyler -

    Apologies for the long delay. We think this is a great idea, and we are evaluating it. The app does not currently have any filters for document type - but we are looking into what the space impact would be to have manuals included by default.

    Keep the great ideas coming!


    Luke Delwiche
    ETC Entertainment Market Manager