Overhaul of Lighting

I have been reading online and looking at examples of correct lighting theory and I'm getting ready to make the plunge.

Our platform is 44' wide 22' deep with the light hung on a catwalk that is 25 foot over head and follows the curve of the platform at a distance of 17'.  We have 18 26 degree Source 4 and 32 19degree lamps.

along with 4 floods 25-45.  I have calculated the throws and the cone size at 7' off the floor.

The plan I have follows,  this is for a church.  5 areas spaced along the front of the platform at  5 foot intervals and following curve of the platform back 4 feet from the edge. Another row behind this one at a distance of 10ft.  Another area on the pulpit in the center and 7ft from the edge. 

Planning on using 18 of the 26degree and 4 of the 19 degree lamps.  The cone size at 7ft off the floor will be between 12 and 16feet in diameter.

Does this make sense?  Are 22 lights sufficient for this area?  I am planning on using pairs of 26 and 19 for each area, would it better to mix the beam angles to keep the cone similar in size at the point of intersection?

Any comments would be appreciated.

  • The lights are spaced at 8' not 5'  as stated in the

    original message

  • Over the last several nights we completed the redesign of the lighting, comments are it looks better now that it ever has so I guess the plan was okay. Ended up using 5 areas on the back row and 6 on the front with an additional set on the pulpit, so 24 lights total.  My question now has to do with the shadows that are thrown from the lights.

    We have outlets for the lights except for those on the catwalk, 25' feet up or above the project screens.  The screens are behind the singers and the catwalk wraps around to be even with the singers on the edges.

    Would it  be better to uses lights behind or beside the platform to soften the shadows?  Also would it be better to use the ellipsoidal or par lights to wash out the shadows?

    Thank your for any direction

  • No matter what you do you're going to get some degree of shadow.  I usually use a combination of side, back and top light to alleviate it but you may be limited in the positions that you can hang your lamps. Any of the three positions will help. And any type of lamp will work, though I usually use a soft edged fixture such as a fresnel or par to do the job as there is no need to shutter  the back light in the venue that I'm in.  Hope this helps



  • No matter what you do you're going to get some degree of shadow.  I usually use a combination of side, back and top light to alleviate it but you may be limited in the positions that you can hang your lamps. Any of the three positions will help. And any type of lamp will work, though I usually use a soft edged fixture such as a fresnel or par to do the job as there is no need to shutter  the back light in the venue that I'm in.  Hope this helps



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