Ion Effects in Cues : Question from YouTube video Ion 1-35

Another question from YouTube user BrianHelmingcomp.  This one refers to Ion 1-36 Effects in Cues :

OK so step based effect are basicly like a chase for a normal fixture. What if i want to strobe, or go through colors, ot if there is a moving head make it move. You haven't talked about how to make heads move.

Again, thanks for any help you can provide,


David Geel

  • I haven't done much with effects and movers, but I'm 98% saure you change the primater from intens to _____(focus)____ then give it pan,tilt numbers instead of percentages. If I think of it I'll check on this once @ console in Theatre.

  • There are many ways to do effects aside from stepped base and depeding what you are trying to achieve.  Effect 901-915 are prebuilt effects for color, intensity and moving.  You could try them and are pretty simple to use.  you can alos use absolute effects which can refernece palletes or presets and do just about anything you like in a sequence. 

    to use a default effect you would do as follows.

    [channel] 1 thru 6 (or whatever your fixtures you wish to move/change color) effect 901

    In this example moving head fixtures will do a circle.

    clear the command line and tocuh [effect] to change rate, size etc..

  • To do want you want in a Step-Based Effect: use color palettes, and focus palettes in the "On State" column for each step. To strobe, make the "On State" 0 in step 2.