how refresh display in changing different type of values ?

I have upgraded the box program to have the intensity, pan tilt and hue Sat, that works but how recovering the current values for theses other params please ? the screen displays the right value only if I move a wheel or using next last...
I need to found which function recall values from Eos.


just change the label of the line, not refresh values

I use the wheel buttons with 2 other inputs to navigate between Intensity Focus and Color.

thanks for your help.


  • Pilou,

    I would suggest taking a look at tab 99 with the OSC transmit and receive logging turned on.  The console will only transmit the values you are looking for when certain things happen.  It doesn't just stream the everything out every second.  If the console doesn't transmit the info your box can't display it.

  • Pilou,

    I would suggest taking a look at tab 99 with the OSC transmit and receive logging turned on.  The console will only transmit the values you are looking for when certain things happen.  It doesn't just stream the everything out every second.  If the console doesn't transmit the info your box can't display it.

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