New OSC Release

There is a new release (3.5.7) for the CNMAT OSC library, the library supports now the 3.5 and 3.6 Teensy
and boards with SAMD21 like Arduino Zero. Hope there is support from ETC for recognizing this boards correctly.

  • Just wanted to say that I think the new library has helped a lot! I've gotten teensy 3.2 and 3.5 devices connected without having to spoof the PID/VID. I also got the Arduino Due working. The Adafruit M0 based devices are still problematic but they don't follow all the same hardware setups. I'm sure they will eventually be added to the boards list and work as well.

    Thanks for bringing the library update to my attention!
  • Just wanted to say that I think the new library has helped a lot! I've gotten teensy 3.2 and 3.5 devices connected without having to spoof the PID/VID. I also got the Arduino Due working. The Adafruit M0 based devices are still problematic but they don't follow all the same hardware setups. I'm sure they will eventually be added to the boards list and work as well.

    Thanks for bringing the library update to my attention!
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