I am very new to codeing and was wondering if there was a way to easily change what the encoders do. I would like to be able to make one do intensity and one color as I don’t need to use pan and tilt.
I am very new to codeing and was wondering if there was a way to easily change what the encoders do. I would like to be able to make one do intensity and one color as I don’t need to use pan and tilt.
im getting a compile error at line 203 'int8_t index' redeclared as different kind of symbol
so im running 1.8.8 ide and a teensy 3.6 every time i try to verify i get the above error. but if i switch to something like a nano or uno and verify it goes through with no error.
Is this with an unmodified light hack sketch? I'm currently on 1.8.7 IDE and not getting any errors on a build for teensy 3.6.
I realized you were working with the box2 code. I got the same error compiling for teensy. "index" is used in a library for teensy somewhere else is in that code it is a char instead of an int. I simple changed the name from index to attribIndex wherever appropriate and the code compiled. I haven't tested it on any teensy hardware yet but will attempt that sometime this weekend.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Druuka that did help and makes sense but now im getting additional errors
#define ENCODERS 2 on line 107 gets a
im not sure if it is me
Thanks Druuka that did help and makes sense but now im getting additional errors
#define ENCODERS 2 on line 107 gets a
im not sure if it is me