I am very new to codeing and was wondering if there was a way to easily change what the encoders do. I would like to be able to make one do intensity and one color as I don’t need to use pan and tilt.
I am very new to codeing and was wondering if there was a way to easily change what the encoders do. I would like to be able to make one do intensity and one color as I don’t need to use pan and tilt.
im getting a compile error at line 203 'int8_t index' redeclared as different kind of symbol
I tested with Arduino IDE 1.8.8 for UNO, all is OK. Generally I'm using PlatformIO https://platformio.org on VSCode as my favorite IDE on my MacBook. I'm using it for testing with my Teensy 3.5, the IDE has code analysis which helps to find errors. So testing my Teensy code all is fine. I attached my Teensy code here (PlatformIO Project files).
I'm trying to get your code working on a teensy 3.5 using platform IO and VS Code. It uploads fine but I can't get it to handshake with my PC running Nomad, I haven't tried it using a console yet though. Any suggestions?
Maybe the speed was wrong, or try to comment out the lines, like in the screenshoots.
That did it, thanks. My teensy is now handshaking with Eos. Now I just have to finish soldering it all together.
Here is the code for an extension which uses the encoder buttons as a home button,
for Teensy you should comment the same lines out.
For consoles you must do a trick with VID/PID, this is described on some other posts.
I hope that ETC will support Teensy Boards official in future, then I will change some of the basic light hack code.
I'll give this one a shot. Thanks again.
With teensy there is no limit with the number of parameters like on an UNO.
With teensy there is no limit with the number of parameters like on an UNO.