Has anyone made a Lighthack box with three encoders? And how easy is it to modify the code to add an extra encoder in?
Has anyone made a Lighthack box with three encoders? And how easy is it to modify the code to add an extra encoder in?
That should possible with a little bit knowledge for understanding C code. You will find links in this forum for different modifications.
e.g. https://github.com/sstaub/lighthack
You should also use a bigger LCD display with 2x40 chars.
Unfortunatley I have next to no understanding of C code but I will read through some of the scripts from those githubs and try and work out how to merge them together into something that fits my needs. Also I was thinking instead of an LCD display I could maybe just use a few LEDs that light up to indicate which page you are on and a single button to step through parameter pages rather than two, to save space and arduino pins.
Here is a modified version of Mr Staub's code that uses 4 encoders and a 4x20 screen, https://www.dropbox.com/s/5x7xkp378k13of6/lighthack_box2B__-_Bradv12.ino?dl=0 it runs nicely on a Teensy 3.5 board
Thank you very much, I have ordered some encoders and will give this a try
Thank you very much, I have ordered some encoders and will give this a try