An error occurred. Please try again or contact your administrator.

I am consistently getting this error message on a Mac with Chrome, Firefox and Safari. This occurs when searching, using the back button, and other general navigation options.

"An error occurred. Please try again or contact your administrator."

Here is a link to a screen capture:

  • Hi Nick,

    I am sorry that you are seeing this error. We are working to track this bug down and squash it.

    Would you mind filling us in on a few details by answering the questions below:

    Can you share the URLs of the pages that you are seeing this error?
    Are you logged in at the time or does it appear if you are not logged in?
    Which version of Mac OS are you using?
    Which version(s) of browser(s) are you using?


  • I just got the same error when trying to filter in Advanced Search. I was  trying to  filter by most recent and I also tried filtering by the last option (anytime,week,month,etc). Screenshot below.

    I'm logged in

    Mac 10.9.5

    Firefox 41.0.2

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