Enhancement for Editor

Is there a way to insert formatted source code for c++. It would be good for the #lighthack forum.

Is there a way to avoid the increasing line spacing after doing Enter?

  • You could use the "pre" format to insert preformatted content in the rich formatting editor, but there is not currently a syntax highlighter installed. I'll add it to the list to look at for the future.

    If you want to do a new line
    -- like this --
    You can press Shift+Enter(Return) to not start a new paragraph.

  • You could use the "pre" format to insert preformatted content in the rich formatting editor, but there is not currently a syntax highlighter installed. I'll add it to the list to look at for the future.

    If you want to do a new line
    -- like this --
    You can press Shift+Enter(Return) to not start a new paragraph.
